Tuesday, January 31, 2012


School name: John B. Conally High School
School location, exact location: 13212 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78753
School size:4-A
How many pages is the book? :256
How many sections are in the book? : 6
List the sections in the book : Student Life, Academics, People, Organizations, Sports, Ads & Index.
What sports are played at that school? Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Track, Swimming, Tennis, Wrestling, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Cross-Country.
Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school? African-American Youth Leaders, Band, Stars Dance Team, Cheer, Winter Guard, Latin Dance Troupe,
What are the school colors? Green, Black, White
What is the theme of the book? "We are..." ????
What thematic elements are present throughout the book?
How many years has the book been published?
Who is the editor-in-chief of the book?
Who is the advisor?
What  is your favorite spread in the book?
What do you like about this book?
What would you change if you were working on that book?
Would you like to go to that school?
Why would you or would you not like to go to that school?


Monday, January 23, 2012


I. Early Magazine Covers started off as the table of contents, and then evolved into basicly a book cover presenting a title and publication data. After the book cover style appeared this one used a generic illustration in a symbolic manner to evoke the spirit of the publication, without revealing any of this issue's specific contents.

II. The Poster Cover was the dominator in the magizine field at the time, it is said to have be darived from the artistic posters of the Art Norveau movement. The covers of many of these oversized magazines looked as if they were printed to be framed and hung on the wall.

III. (Pictures Married to Type) While many magazines boasted artful poster covers, others relied heavily on cover lines to draw readers inside in a more definite way than the cover art could accomplish. It is not clear when cover lines first appeared, but it was early in the history of the magazine cover. Most cover lines identifed the names of the contributors, not the topics of their articles.

IV. (In the Forest of Words) Its very artistic and has a large number of cover lines. Very attractive and eye catching. More coverlines that expose the picture more and more. Good photography and big texts or words to make it easy to read and look at and the words cover the people or things.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Akins, Happy, Building

I used this picture the Akins' theme because its our main entrance. Its the front of our school and people would most likely recognize it if they saw it. Its not my best work because i wish i would've made it not tilt so much but i like it. i also wish i would've been more creative with the theme.

I used this picture because of the guys shirt. Our theme was happy and the koo-laid man always has a smile on. The boy is also smiling so its just a happy picture all together! I probably could've done something better but had little time.

I chose this picture because it was the easiest way to describe building. I wanted to be creative with my work but i didnt have much time like i said before. But i do like the picture i wish the length we had would've been bigger so i could've shown the whole picture but oh well.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Choice

I chose to do Yearbook because i've always wanted to be apart of the yearbook staff. i like photography but ive just never got to join. I like getting to go to the games and taking fast action pictures. Ive always liked the way the yearbooks came out and wanted to know how to do it. Its just very cool to be apart of the yearbook staff :)


Friday, January 6, 2012


My Vacation.

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
I got to spend a lot of time with family. I went out for New Years and had a great time. I made new friends and it was pretty fun !!!!

2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?
Do better in school.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Summer and SPRING BREAK :)

2011 Main Topics

1. What was the best song of 2011?
  Drake's Take Care Album
I think Drake's Album Take Care is the best because it has a bunch of great songs that everyone loves. He does the songs that everyone can relate to and understand. Its like he goes into peoples minds and writes a song about it. ^.^

2. What was the best movie of 2011?
Transformers; It was one of the best movies of 2011. I really liked it because its part 3 and when there are more movies they cant help but be better than before. Even though it may drag at a point it still has great parts and i love it.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
Osama Bin Laden
Its the biggest news stories ive heard in a long time. The government has been looking for him for about 10 years and they had finally found him.

4. Who was the most important person of 2011?
Michelle Obama
She is first lady so you expect her to deal the government stuff but shes actually caring and shows compassion in other things. She has the campaign on obesity and i think its very good for her to do. It really does show she care.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2011 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice), I leave this one to you to find a photo for.
Prince William and Kate Middleton.
This is definitely one of the biggest entertainment stories to hit media and to even happen. Prince William is finally a KING !!!!!!! :D lol well yeah it was a HUGE wedding and everyone attended and it was the biggest thing to happen !!!!!